35,90 € incl. VAT
one rental day : € 35,90
two rental days : € 53,85
three rental days : € 71,80
Traditional Bavarian Lederhosen with embroidered suspenders (H-shaped) . Traditional horn buttons complete our official Bavarian Outfitters Lederhosen.
Colors: light brown, dark brown
Length: knee-length, short
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Choose Pick up / delivery option
Both shops are centrally located, easily accessible by public transportation and within walking distance of the Oktoberfest. In Shop B at Auenstraße 31, the waiting times on weekends are generally shorter
A: Schwanthaler Straße 83, 80336 München
B: Auenstraße 31, 80469 München
C: Bayerstraße 22, 80335 München
Choose your size
If a size is not available in your chosen store, please check the availability in our other store.
Size Chart
35,90 € incl. VAT
ein Leihtag : € 35,90
zwei Leihtage : € 53,85
drei Leihtage : € 71,80
Traditionelle bayerische Lederhose aus Echtleder. Ganz traditionell mit Messertasche und besticktem Hosenträger (H-förmige Hosenträger). Echte Hornknöpfe runden das Gesamtbild ab.
Längen: Kniebund, kurz
Farben: hellbraun, dunkelbraun
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Choose Pick up / delivery option
Both shops are centrally located, easily accessible by public transportation and within walking distance of the Oktoberfest. In Shop B at Auenstraße 31, the waiting times on weekends are generally shorter
A: Schwanthaler Straße 83, 80336 München
B: Auenstraße 31, 80469 München
C: Bayerstraße 22, 80335 München
Choose your size
If a size is not available in your chosen store, please check the availability in our other store.
Size Chart